Video Conferencing

Polycom Video Conferencing

HDX 7000 Series
- High Definition Quality for the Standard Conference Room
- High-definition video conferencing
- High-definition voice, High-definition content sharing
- Embedded multipoint, Flexible connectivity

HDX 8000 Series
- Dramatically increase productivity & communication
- High-definition video conferencing
- High-definition voice, High-definition content sharing
- Flexible furniture solutions

HDX 9000 Series
- Premier video conferencing systems for high impact visual experiences
- High-definition video conferencing
- High-definition voice, High-definition content sharing
- Flexible, simplified integration
Learning More About Video Conferencing
What is video conferencing?
A video-conference (or Video Conference) is a live video connection between people in separate locations for the purpose of communication or interaction. Video-conferencing allows people to communicate visually from anywhere in the world.
Uses of video conferencing
- Distance Learning
- Business Meetings
- Internal Communication between branches
- Sharing lectures with students at other universities
- Job interviews
- Giving and receiving lectures/presentations from remotely located sites from around the world
- Conducting meetings between research groups and academics based at different universities
Top reasons to use video conferencing
- Reliability: Hold your meeting regardless of weather, flight delays, or other “acts of God.”
- Efficiency: Be in two places at the same time – Kenya at 9 a.m., Japan at 2 p.m.
- Increase Productivity: Meet as much as you need to get the job done instead of only when you’re scheduled.
- Save Time: No need to wait for people to travel from the four corners of the earth to have an effective meeting. Why are large companies slow to get things done? Because decisions tend to get delayed waiting for meetings to happen.
- Improve Employee Morale: Let’s be honest: A lot of traveling is tiring. People need time to recover and they don’t always get to go to enjoyable places.
- Save Money: Plane tickets, parking fees, hotel costs, meals, rental car costs. Multiply by the number of people traveling and the number of times per month.
- Tighter Security: Keep your trade secrets in-house. Less chit chat outside the office means less opportunity for eavesdroppers.
- Convenience: Easily add key personnel, interns, or a surprise speaker with the click of a button and at no added cost.