Digital Revelation has been a supplier of imaging supplies for over 6 years. Our line of products include printer toner, copier toner, cash register & printer ribbons, inkjet cartridges, fax supplies and more.
Fax supplies for all your major brands including fax toner, fax inkjet cartridges, fax print cartridges and refill fax ribbons.
Copier Toner available for all major brands at compettitive pricing. If you feel you paying to much than call us today and we will bring your cost down and even if you have a service agreement take that over while saving you cost.
We offer original and high quality compatible inkjet cartridges as well as factory remanufactured inkjet cartridges. Our aftermarket inkjet cartridges are offered as a high quality and affordable alternative to the otherwise higher priced brand name ink cartridges. Save some cash with our inkjet cartridges without forsaking quality.
We carry top quality, 100% guaranteed ink ribbons for dat matrix printers, cash registers and point of sale credit card printers. Look to Digital Revelation to have everything you need to satisfy all your ink ribbon printing needs.
Should you be interested in Purchasing any Toner Brands please download our Toner Form print it out, complete and fax back to us on 021 551 0955. As soon as we receive your completed form we will contact you. You can also contact us on 021 551 1206 or or chat live with us now.
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Fax: 021 551 0955
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