You receive the equipment now but only pay 1st March 2018. You avoid all price increases over the next few months.
One less thing to worry about when we all back in the office in January. Increase staff morale after a very long year with new equipment that makes everyone's life easier.
Why not invest in your business.
Digital Revelation can settle your old account and sign you with one new agreement. The upgrade might make sense due to requirements that have changed and a new machine can close that gap.
It might also make sense financially by bringing the cost down and having no cost over the December and until March 2018. When upgrading old equipment with a settlement the promotional rental will increase but we will work out a solution that still meets all your needs.
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All Rights Reserved
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Pieter: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fax: 021 551 0955
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