The d-Copia 6500MF+ black and white multifunctional digital systems are the perfect solution for all the requirements of workplaces, like large offices and small print centres looking for high efficiency, productivity and superior black and white printing quality.
They can be described in just two words: speed and flexibility.
This printer is fitted with a powerful Dual-Core processor guaranteeing superlative performance, which, together with a standard document feed with a speed of 160 ipm and a copy speed of 80 ppm, put this model at the top of the Olivetti product range.
An adjustable 10.1” touch screen, an optional wireless network interface and a large paper capacity enable these systems to handle all work requirements.
This monochrome multifunctional digital system has heavy workloads and quality guaranteed. The Olivetti d-Copia 6500MFplus have been designed for large workgroups or small print centres. The printer consists of 3GB RAM and 320GB hard disk. It comes with a 10.1” touch screen display and makes use of mobile printing.
The 6500 MF+ requires minimal ordinary maintenance with reduced environmental impact. Options available includes a dual fax, internet fax and network fax. The d-Copia 6500MFplus is equipped with a powerful 1067MHz Dual-Core processor putting it at the top end of the product range.
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