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Riso SF 5350E (EZ 371) Duplicator


  • A3
  • 150 ppm
  • High-Speed USB Print
  • Power Pedestal Option
  • Touch Screen
  • 50 gsm to 157 gsm

Why SF 5350E

  • Machine
  • Black Ink
  • Master
  • Inkless A4 Drum
  • Stand
  • Power Stand - Request pricing

Buying Options

  • Lease the copier
  • Buy Copier Cash
  • SLA on both options
  • Rent over 24 / 36 / 48 / 60 months
  • Toner Included with SLA
  • Complete Request form

RISO offers outstanding productivity through high speed and low cost.

  • High-Speed 150 ppm printing
    Achieving 1000 pages printed in approx. 7 minutes, this is the world's fastest printing speed in this range. This surprisingly rapid rate will efficiently support your heavy paperwork requirements.

  • Overwhelmingly economical print cost
    The SF series makes prints from a master. As a result, the more pages generated from each master the lower the cost per print, making it highly economical for medium- to high- volume printing.

  • Quick Master Making mode (NEW)
    A new function, speed priority mode, shortens the master-making time while still maintaining high image quality.

  • Heavy-load paper feeding
    The paper trays have a capacity of 1000 sheets for both feeding and receiving, which ensures uninterrupted printing over a longer period.

  • Paper saving
    Page layout printing combines multiple copies of the same page, or copies of multiple pages onto a single printed page to save paper. Conveniently condense bulky multiple-page documents in an easy-to-read format. These functions are available when using the printer driver.

  • Versatile paper handling capability
    The SF series plays multiple roles, accepting a wide range of paper types such as recycled paper, coarse paper, cards and envelopes.



Time & Material Basis or
Service Agreement
We Service Riso
We supply Drums
We supply Ink
We supply Masters

High-speed 150 ppm printing Achieving 1000 pages printed in approx. 7 minutes, this is the world’s fastest printing speed in this range. This surprisingly rapid rate will efficiently support your heavy paperwork requirements.

Quick Master Making mode A new function, speed priority mode, shortens the master-making time while still maintaining high image quality. Heavy-load paper feeding The paper trays have a capacity of 1000 sheets* for both feeding and receiving, which ensures uninterrupted printing over a longer period. Overwhelmingly economical print costs The SF series makes prints from a master.

As a result, the more pages generated from each master the lower the cost per print, making it highly economical for medium- to highvolume printing. Paper saving Page layout printing combines multiple copies of the same page, or copies of multiple pages onto a single printed page to save paper. Conveniently condense bulky multiple-page documents in an easy-to-read format.

These functions are available when using the printer driver. Versatile paper handling capability The SF series plays multiple roles, accepting a wide range of paper types such as recycled paper, coarse paper, cards and envelopes.

Companies & Departments that uses the Riso SF 5350E (EZ 371) Duplicator

  • Reception / Front Desk
  • Big Accounting Departments
  • Law Firms
  • Western Cape Schools
  • Medical Departments and Doctors
  • Estate Agents
Kry jou Riso Duplicator / kopiër nou, by Digital Revelation, vir die beste en vinnigste kopie resultate by jou besigheid.

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