NEC SL2100 Smart Communication System

The NEC SL1000 is being replaced by the NEC SL2100

Why Choose NEC?

Our working environment is in a constant state of flux with organisations of all types continually looking for new ways of generating revenue, controlling costs and optimizing productivity. Communication technologies (voice, email, instant messaging, SMS, IP telephoney, voicemail, video conferencing) and their underlying networks such as the Internet, broadband, Wi-Fi and 3G are also evolving, forcing companies to re-evaluate their information technology strategies. The challenge facing businesses is to embrace and harness the potential benefits of these technologies. The result must be a complete communications straegy that is available and usable by everyone, it must empower individuals and teams, enabling them to achieve their business objectives.

The 'on-demand' workforce

With the advent of all the communications technologies in the market, customers expect to be able to reach someone at a business to get immediate answers and information – without having to leave a message.

The way we do business and the way we communicate is changing rapidly.

The way we do business and the way we communicate is changing rapidly. Mobility has become the norm. Customer expectations have soared and budgets have shrunk.

The SL2100 galvanizes your team.

The SL2100 galvanizes your team. In turn, it creates a positive customer experience that generates repeat business.

It’s highly cost effective because there’s more built-in.

It’s highly cost effective because there’s more built-in. With VoIP capabilities, it puts Unified Communications within reach of small businesses or it can be used as resilient TDM solution with future-proof upgrade potential. It also presents considerable savings and functionality over and above alternative hosted solutions.

Your business can’t afford downtime and nor can your communications.

Your business can’t afford downtime and nor can your communications. The SL2100 provides a reliable, ‘always on’ solution. There’s less hardware, less licenses and less maintenance to worry about.

NEC SL2100 Smart Communication System value for money

Value for Money

Powerful communications with a small business price tag that allows you to pay only for what you need. Completely scalable as your business grows.

NEC SL2100 Smart Communication System easy to use

Easy to Use

Intuitive applications and features your whole team can easily use to empower them to be more productive. The easy installation also means there’s no downtime.

NEC SL2100 Smart Communication System keep connected

Keep Connected

Single number reach, DECT mobile handsets, built-in conferencing and voice-mail keeps colleagues and customers up-to-date and connected.

NEC SL2100 Smart Communication System safety first

Safety First

Includes an expanded and diverse portfolio of InApps. As well as providing compelling business benefits, these built-in/on-board apps require no external PC or server.

Powerful NEC SL2100 IP Phones & Handsets

Creating a ‘smart’ workforce is essential to your competitiveness as well as attracting and keeping talent in your organization. In a recent global survey, ‘work flexibility’ was rated as the top employee benefit.

NEC SL2100 Digital Telephone

SL2100 Digital Telephone

NEC SL2100 IP Telephone

SL2100 IP Telephone

NEC IP DECT Handsets

IP DECT Handsets

The NEC SL1000 is a must have for any business, do not miss a call again by faulty or outdated PABX systems. Remember when we upgrade your old PABX you automatically qualify for discounts on office copier equipment.

Digital Revelation offer Cash options or Lease with optional service agreements. So no matter your needs or budget, we have the solution.

Complete our copier request form at the top or Contact us regarding a set appointment or price inquiry. Call us today and make use of our free cost analysis on 021 551 1206.

E-mail or call us now for set appointment or additional information, wherever you are in the country.

NEC SL2100 Smart Communication System

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