Digital Revelation supplies South Africa’s widest range of PABX Business Telephone systems to rent. Our expert consultants will work closely with you to determine which PBX business telephone rentals will best suits your companies needs and guide you through the rental application process.
Essentially businesses have two rental options open to them when it comes to their business telephone systems:
Inside these two main PABX phone system types are a number of features which organisations can add to the solution to add to the productivity and customer facing professionalism of their PBX telephone system.
You may be asking yourself why should I rent a PBX telephony system and not just purchase it outright. Below we breakdown the vast array of benefits associated with purchasing your PABX system via rental or lease in 3 key areas:
PBX Telephone System Rentals are fully tax deductible - Each month your telephone system rental may be expensed by your business, ensuring full tax benefits via rental.
Your business has the abilty to upgrade the PABX rental or request add-ons to your telephone system as your business grows.
PBX Rentals ensure your business is not subjected large unplanned cash ourflows each time your PABX Telephone System requires to be upgraded.
System Rentals can be structured in such a way that businesses may rent in increments of 12 months from 12 months to 72 months, in certain cases Month to Month Short Term PABX System rentals are available on expertly restored telephony equipment.
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